Rio Bisbee.Band provides:
Rio Bisbee.Band features 80+ original compositions in various styles - rock 'n roll, jazz improv, traditional folk, Middle-East ethnic, innovative/experimental, created and performed by over 60 Bisbees during 1980-2025. Rio Bisbee.Band performances are custom-tailored for each event. From dulcet acoustic serenade to mind-bending psychedelic rock, Rio Bisbee.Band provides suitable sound control for any occasion and setting. No two alike!
Contact Rio Bisbee.Band today to plan your life-changing Rio Bisbee experience.
We can't shoot and play at the same time, so Rio Bisbee.Band depends upon Bisbee-Ites' photos of Rio Bisbee.Band performance to add to this gallery. If you have images or videos of Rio Bisbee.Band, please forward them to
20th Century
Geno's 1986
Rob and Martha at Geno's
Yo and Peter at Snow Bowl 1985
Waldoboro Days 1982
Waldoboro Days 1982
Waldoboro Days 1982
Featherfoot Farm 2015
Gawaine Cowan Ross
Open Mic
We offer an exceptional blend of experience, professionalism, and passion.
Have questions? We’ve got answers. Our FAQ section covers the most common inquiries to help you find what you need quickly. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to reach out and we’ll be happy to assist you!
The term Pointillism refers to a style of dot painting from the impressionist school of the 19th Century. Painting dots on rock dates from the Neolithic, 40,000 years ago. In music, pointillism, or punctualism as it is sometimes called – klangfarbenmelodie in German – means separate notes not crowded on top of each other. Rock Pointillism is the opposite of Wall of Sound. Rio Bisbee.Band Rock Pointillism is rock ‘n roll music with notes arranged like a mosaic of individual tones to give each space to resound, crucial for electric rock trio. With Rock Pointillism, Rio Bisbee.Band plays more music with fewer notes. It’s ergonomic, improves definition, enhances tonal clarity.
What you got? Rio Bisbee.Band does it all! Private parties, big-hall concerts, outdoor festivals, sectarian rituals, theatre productions.
Absolutely! Studio 455, located in Ellsworth, Maine, is available for rental by musicians and bands seeking professional space for rehearsal and recording. Studio 455 is equipped with antique and latest instruments and equipment to support various musical styles. For booking Studio 455, contact Harrison (207) 740-6288 or email for more info.
Stay updated on the latest Rio Bisbee.Band performances by visiting our website and social media pages.
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